Clear-as-a-bell prose. . . penetrating insights. It’s a wonderful book.
Morgan Reynolds, former Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Labor

The Failure of Fix-It by Force
A Review by Morgan Reynolds

Jim Payne is a Ph.D. political scientist who has taught at Yale, Wesleyan, Johns Hopkins and Texas A&M University. I met him when we were both active faculty members at A&M... He recently asked me if I would review his latest book (of 21!) and I responded, “Sure, be delighted.” He is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, likely the smartest, and that’s saying a lot, so why not?

The text is only 161 pages of medium-sized print of clear-as-a-bell prose, making for pretty easy reading given all the penetrating insights and info on offer along the way. This is followed by 45 pages of notes and references which I suggest you read since so many are substantive additions to the text. And yes, a 10-page index is included.

Follow Reynolds' complete chapter-by-chapter review here >>

Clarity v. obfuscation. Payne's book is a gem of clarity on a subject, government, clouded by obfuscation.

Patrick T. Petersen

I hope this new book gets wide readership.... In my judgment it is an excellent contribution within the paradigm that stands upon (Payne's) plausible theory about the mechanisms of societal evolution.... It is a beautifully manufactured book.

Richard Harris

I wish I had this book when I was an undergrad!

Henry Gardella

Dr. Payne clearly explains why our government consistently falls short of expectations. It's a great read for someone who can't make sense of the out-of-control spending or deviation from our nation's Constitution.
Payne gives a factual look at politics unfettered by conjecture. He simply points out the prejudices we hold to that affect how we draw our final conclusions.... Take the opportunity to challenge your preconceptions about politics.